CSS – Winelivery provides the fastest and easiest on-demand drinks delivery service with Google Maps Platform



Winelivery S.r.l. is an Italian startup that delivers wine, beer and drinks at the ideal temperature right to your door in under 30 minutes. In 2020, it opened 50 new stores, closing the year with a 600% increase in sales and serving over 60 Italian cities.


  • Geolocated access to show available products nearby
  • Automated business processes and targeted marketing campaigns using location data
  • Optimised user experience and conversion rate


“The idea behind Winelivery is to make sure everyone always has something to toast with.” That’s how Winelivery cofounder Andrea Antinori describes the very Italian drinking app, a leader in a segment that the startup essentially invented. “We are a highly specialised beverage delivery company. Our entire team, from IT to operations, has an obsessive customer focus.” Antinori calls Winelivery “a premium service that aims to be everywhere”, delivering drinks in under 30 minutes and at the ideal temperature to over 60 Italian cities.

The target audience is drink-lovers between 25 and 45—or simply “anyone who wants to enjoy a good drink whenever they feel like it”. Winelivery provides a seamless experience thanks to features such as the Wine Advisor, which allows you to navigate the app in a simple and intuitive way, helping you choose the perfect bottle for every occasion.

Its business boomed in 2020, with revenue of €7.5 million, up 600% compared to 2019. “The current situation has really boosted the use of delivery services. The first lockdown especially saw a huge surge in new customers, who continued to use it afterwards. This caused us to grow well beyond our expectations: today, the Winelivery app has a penetration rate of over 1.2% of the Italian population, with over 750,000 downloads.” Winelivery opened over 50 new stores in 2020 alone, making it “the most popular drink delivery service in Europe”. A new project is set for 2021.

Winelivery: Winelivery POP—which stands both for popular and also for the sound of a bottle being uncorked—is a winebar delivery service that will extend “our presence in Italy to smaller cities where a full-on home delivery service would not be self-sustaining”.


Web Geo Services: Certified Google Maps Experts

“Winelivery has partnered with Web Geo Services to get expert advice on Google Maps and best practices for its use. The benefits we’ve gained in terms of management are equally important.” The partnership began in November 2020, when Web Geo Services helped Winelivery optimise its Google Maps Platform projects and manage billings. Ever since, this strategic support has extended to licence management and operations on the Google Maps platform, thanks to a team of Geolocation Services experts certified by the Google Cloud Partner Specialization Program.

Antinori describes the role of Google Maps in the project: “Geolocation is essential for all first-time access to Winelivery platforms, as it allows users to see what products are available in their area. Google Maps has radically streamlined this process, improving the user experience and increasing the user conversion rate.” Winelivery uses Google Maps to show the user’s location from the home page. The Places Autocomplete API automatically standardises the address. Then the Place Details API and Geocoding API retrieve the geographical coordinates of the selected address to show the products that can be delivered in that area. Google Maps is also integrated into the deliverers’ app to indicate the order destination.

Beyond the user side, the Google platform has positively impacted internal processes:

“Business-wise, it’s been super helpful for analysing sales geography and optimising the calculation of delivery routes.”

— Andrea Antinori,
Cofounder, Winelivery


To this end, Winelivery also chose to implement Google Cloud’s BigQuery, the data warehouse for aggregating data from different sources, thus providing the company with a lightning-fast tool for analysing even massive amounts of information.