CSS – Google Maps Platform boosts Maxeda Web-to-Store Strategy




Maxeda DIY Group is a Dutch retail group that operates 389 ‘do it yourself’ stores in Belgium and the Netherlands with over 7,000 employees.

Weekly Maxeda welcomes 1.5 million visitors, helping them to build in the best way and create the home of their dreams.

Maxeda DIY Group relies on Google Maps Platform to generate web-to-Store traffic. Also both praxis.nl and brico.be websites use Google Maps Platform to speed-up the checkout process and improve the order delivery.



  • Click and collect reserve orders increased by 50%
  • Faster checkout process  for online shoppers, increasing online conversion rates by more than 20%
  • Clear visibility across several stores’ inventories for employees and customers


Key result:

  • Store traffic increase by 10%


Maxeda DIY Group has 4 DIY formats: Praxis and Formido in the Netherlands, Brico in Belgium and Luxembourg and Plan-it in Belgium. Praxis and Brico shares the same eCommerce platform launched back in July 2018.

Maxeda DIY Group is deploying a new digital omnichannel strategy to be closer to its customers and to excel in a competitive sector. The e-commerce sites of Praxis and Brico have been redesigned to create a holistic marketing process, promoting both online ordering and traffic generation in points of sale.

Given the fact that in the last period geolocation impacts progressively customer journey, the interest of a fast and efficient implementation grew steadily among corporate businesses. From the start, Google Maps Platform was considered by the Dutch brand for obvious reasons in the geolocation integration process. As summarised by Luuk Roestenberg, Maxeda DIY Manager Digital: “The choice was made naturally, first of all, because it is an easy solution to implement, second, because there is no equivalent in terms of availability of APIs, and third, simply because everyone knows and uses Google Maps! “

The sites praxis.nl and brico.be use Maps JavaScript API for the search and stores display in its store locator. In addition, it uses them in the product pages to identify stores that have the product in stock and ultimately promote the Click & Reserve feature.

Indeed, for Maxeda the challenge is represented by its size, as the management needs to consider the ability to successfully respond to demand and efficiently manage resources. The new eCommerce platform allows customers to make their purchases online and have their products delivered at home. However Maxeda can also leverage their extensive store network, by encouraging its customers to visit its points of sale. There is always a Maxeda Store close by and because of stores size, most of the times products are in stock. That’s the reason why Maxeda is promoting Click and Reserve feature, to enable customers to buy items online and pick them up in-store.

Google Maps Platform helps the DIY Company to provide a seamless experience to customers guiding them on their online journey and offering more convenience. For example, Maxeda technical teams leverage Google Maps Platform to show Praxis and Brico closest stores where the desired product is in stock. In this way customers save time and energy which contributes to their satisfaction review. In order to identify these points of sale, their websites use the Geocoding API & Geolocation API, which compares the distance of the stores from the address entered, and thus proposes a list of points of sale sorted taking into account the proximity.

For the input fields, praxis.nl and brico.be rely on Places API, which allow web users to find their addresses automatically by returning location suggestions while users type. Maxeda benefits from the 150 Millions of P.O.I. from Google.


Location data to offer Click & Collect buying experience

To accelerate the crucial process of checkout and thus reduce the cart abandonment rate, praxis.nl and brico.be also rely on Places API for entering the delivery address and automatically distributes the respective values: street name, postal code, city in the right fields. By using Places API‘ standardised address base, Maxeda DIY Group also cuts down the rate of failed attempts to deliver caused by incorrect addresses.


” As a retail company with a large amount of stores it is extremely important to connect this offline store world with the online platform and consumers. Google Maps enables and makes it easy for us to make this connection. “

— Luuk Roestenberg,
Manager Digital at Maxeda DIY Group


Throughout the project, Web Geo Services teams guided and supported Maxeda in the integration of Google Maps Platform. “Web Geo Services team helped us optimise our implementation of Google Maps Platform, proving its expertise and also giving us significant insight on how to avoid unnecessary queries that was increasing our consumption of credits and therefore our costs,” Luuk Roestenberg explains. Using the Maps Javascript API, Maxeda benefits from the Google Cloud infrastructure, allowing it to evolve flexibly.

Maxeda DIY group continuously considers opportunities of delighting its customers and recently initiated the development of an mobile application.