Provide reliable itinerary information
The Routes API provides precise door-to-door itineraries no matter what the chosen mode of transport (walking, cycling, public transport, car or motorbike). Wherever you are in the world, the Routes API guides you to your destination along more than 40 million miles of roads in more than 200 countries and regions.

Cut your costs by using the most efficient itineraries
Calculate your routes and choose the most suitable itinerary based on journey distance and with the help of data updated in real time. Plan your delivery routes with up to 25 waypoints or stages. Create itineraries to make life easier for your customers and help them reach your premises by integrating route planning into your marketing and communication tools and aids.
Help your teams stay mobile, even at peak traffic times
Make your deliveries reliable and improve your customer satisfaction levels. Adapt your delivery schedules to traffic conditions and anticipate periods of peak traffic. Anticipate potential difficulties using predictive models that enable you to identify areas to avoid (traffic congestion) based on time and day of the week.
Have confidence in your growth with Google Maps’ infrastructure
By using a Routes API you use the same infrastructure as millions of Google Maps users every day, meaning you can grow flexibly. Launch your project worldwide on our secure, scalable platform and you won’t need to worry about storage, reliability or performance.
Calculate your itinerary based on your mode of transport and choose the route based on either journey time or distance.
Distance Matrix
This API provides distances and journey times for multiple departure and arrival points. This service enables you to quickly and easily identify the nearby addresses to include in a localised search.
Create precise itineraries based on GPS points. Reconstitute the routes and identify the roads taken by a vehicle.
Create interactive, scalable maps which meet the needs of both your industry and the users. Access dynamic and static custom maps. Personalise your store locators with Maps and make your data talk like it never has before. Integrate images and immersive 360° views with Street View.

Places puts the whole world at the fingertips of its users. The Places database is made up of several hundreds of millions of detailed, up to date places. With its predictive text function, Places finds the place you are searching for as soon as you start typing.